Celebrating Harold Ramis’ 79th!

Every Ghostbusters fan knows that November 21st marks the birthday of the late, great Harold Ramis.
Celebrating what would have been his 79th trip around the sun, GBD user ReelGhostbuters strikes hot with a lovely art tribute that pits the legend himself up against a very intimidating foe.
With a touch of crossover, this fun panel showing Dr. Egon Spengler in his RGB attire, ready to dish some protonic justice at the flick of a few switches.
We all miss the man himself and the infinite possibilities if Harold were still around to tell more stories. Fortunately, we can all rest assured that he’ll never be forgotten, thanks to wonderful additions to the server and community just like this!
Harold Allen Ramis, a.k.a.: Egon Spengler, PhD
November 21, 1944 – February 24, 2014